KLEU Hallenschonplatine

Self-lying, quickly relocatable and removable. Easy to care for with a vacuum cleaner.

KLEU Farbfächer Hallenboden

Available colors.

Technical Details:
Standard Size: 2 x 1 m (special sizes possible)
Thicknes: 5 – 6 mm
Area Weight: circa 3.100 g/m²
Burning Behavior: BFL-S1
Acoustic Absorption: @w = 0,15 (H)

Durability value DIN EN1470, strong according to class 33

Areas of application: sports halls, community halls, assembly halls

KLEU Hallenschonplatine groß

Kleu Floor protecting cover, 2 x 1m. Surface structure: one-layer – 100% wear layer. Back equipment: PLUS (polyolefin).

KLEU Hallenschonbelag Verlegung

The perfect covering to protect your valuable floors. With the help of the transport trolley, the blanks are laid out in no time.

KLEU Flor Transport-Kit

Transport trolley with floor protecting rollers.